Top Reasons Why Your Business Website Matters Now More Than Ever

In our opinion, for any businesses that are still thriving in the 21st century, a website is one of the most important and most valuable investment you can make for the betterment of your brand. If you’re reading this article, you might be a business owner looking to create a website for your brand or an owner that wants to revamp their website. It is not to be mistaken that most businesses already have a website tied to the brand. But it is also known that most of these websites are either self-made or taken straight from a WordPress template. Although WordPress is an amazing website to use when you are looking to create your own website, but if you have no idea how to use WordPress, this might be a recipe for disaster. This will not allow your brand to stand out but rather it will start blending in and your website will get lost in the sea of millions of other websites.


A visually appealing website is a great weapon to have in your arsenal. The way your website looks and the way it is designed will allow the users to either have a wonderful experience that will guarantee you a reader or it will turn them away so fast that you won’t have anyone coming back to your website. So ultimately, your website is extremely important.


We have broken down the top reasons why the ThunderQuote team believes that your business website matters more than ever now than it did before.


Reason #1 : First Impressions

As mentioned above, your company’s website will be the first impression for a lot of potential customers and investors. You have around 15 seconds to impress them before they decide that they can’t stand your website and quits the tab altogether. It is true that designing the website and tweaking it to become just right will take weeks or even months, but it is those crucial first impression moments that will make or break a website.

So the best way to ensure that a website visitor stays as long as possible on your website is to ensure that it is as visually pleasing as possible alongside being as informative as possible at the same time. Strong visuals will pass the first glance test and hold on to readers long enough until they start scrolling through the website.

So why do first impressions matter so much? In our opinion, website really matter because it shows the reader who will become your potential customers that you care about your image. This translates into them feeling that they can trust you because you put more work into ensuring that your brand is polished and looks great. It increases the professionalism of your company as well. Get a great website developer to go through your website and change it up a little to fit in the current times to ensure the advancement of your brand!


Reason #2 : It All Coming Back To Me Now

Once you dabble with digital marketing and your end goal is to advertise your brand, all the social media pages and all the posts will all lead back to your website. All of the actions you make has the end goal of ensuring all traffic returns to your website which serves as the hub of your business.

You are out there trying to convince readers to accept your call to action. It can be giving you a call, signing up for your service or purchasing an item from your website. These are called direct actions that will mostly be available on the website more than anywhere else. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that your website has a strong closing in action to grab the customers and ensure a purchase or usage of your service. This all depends fully on the type of service you are offering in your business.


Reason #3 : Permanence and Control

It is true that a social media marketing strategy is extremely important nowadays, but have you noticed just how many social media sites that have come and gone. The main ones like Twitter and Facebook are still there, but sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint your target audience. But with a website, it’s permanent and is set in ‘digital’ stone.

That is probably one of the best advantages of a website. It is here to stay and it is up to you to handle it’s upkeep and the success of your website. In addition to that you have full control over your website and you determine every element that goes into your website. You are in charge of everything from the overall flow of the website to the smallest of details like the colour of your banner.

If you look at social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, you are subjected to their rules and you can’t fully customise the experience. Therefore you will be limited. But this is not the case when it comes to your own website and that it why a business website is so much more important now than it ever was before.


Reason #4 : A One Size Fits All Mechanism

With your very own business website, you can gather all the information in one place allowing everyone from all walks of life to come and visit your brand’s hub. This is great because some people actively choose not to have a Facebook account or to be affiliated with Google+ or YouTube. Therefore, a website is the best thing you can do to ensure you have a constant flow of readers that come to the website. You will have targeted people from all walks of life and this just brings around more exposure which is crucial in expanding your brand even further.


Your website is the main hub where all your customers come to for information and to engage in your services so it must be treated as such. Always have a great customer service working behind the website and make sure you have developers always keeping an eye on the website to avoid any crashes or bugs in the system.


With that, we hope that you realise just how important a central website is to your business. If you feel the need to revamp your website or actually create one right now, ThunderQuote can direct you to amazing professionals that can transform your website into a money making machine.


We also hope you don’t think you should ignore all the other digital marketing aspects because they are extremely important as well. Our view is to always have something strong to fall back on and in this case it is the business website!

ThunderQuote is the most comprehensive business services portal in Singapore, Australia and ASEAN , where hundreds of thousands of dollars of procurement contracts are sourced every month by major companies like Singapore Press Holdings, National Trade Union Congress and more.

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