How Procurement Has Improved In Europe vs South East Asia

Everyone knows that good procurement is one of the biggest contributing factors to a successful business. That being said, of course the way procurement is being carried on differs from one continent to another due to several factors such as geographical locations, resources and even cultures.

Here is a look at how procurement have improved in Europe over the years in comparison to Southeast Asia and hopefully, we can all learn a little lesson on procurement and use it to enhance the way procurement is done in our own businesses.

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Content Marketing’s Current Trends You Should Follow

What is content marketing you ask? Easy, it is everything you read, see and even listen to online – either via your Facebook feeds, your favourite blog or even your favourite podcast. Content marketing is the heart of social media marketing and it is pretty much important if you want your marketing campaign to work, let’s just put it that way.

I mean, how can you create an advertisement, whether it is online or not, without any content?

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5 Of The Biggest Rookie Marketing Mistakes People Make


The do’s and the dont’s. That is what everyone is taught in class, every basic knowledge written in a book; yet, it some of us, even, most of us seem to always accidentally get involved in the dont’s. 

When it comes to marketing, there are so many different versions of marketing. Everyone has their own way of doing it. Everyone has their sure-fire ways and sometimes you need a mixture of all of them to make sure it would work for your company.

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The Pros and Cons of Advertorials

In the past, the most prevalent form of marketing and advertising online is through the use of banner ads. With the introduction and evolution of digital tools, today’s mix of digital marketing has become increasingly complex.

Advertising is now just one facet that a business has to consider in being engaged with their customers online – transforming over the years to become ever more creative and aligned with what users expect.

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