The 5 Common Services Needed To Start / Setup A Business


Starting a business enterprise takes a lot of hard work and patience. When setting up a business, it takes a lot to be successful and there comes a time where one needs help. Even the biggest entrepreneurs have to ask for help at the end of the day. Even before starting a business you need to ensure that you have the right building blocks to help your company stand up and thrive. Here at ThunderQuote we have listed down 5 of the most common services you would need to start a business from ground up. The team here at ThunderQuote will elaborate on why you need them and why these services are so important to the foundation of your company.

#1 Office Space Rental

In Singapore, land is so hard to come by and that also means that office spaces are extremely expensive if you decide to purchase a shop lot. Most people who start businesses decide to rent the space first. Unless you are starting this business with a huge budget. Even then it is advisable to rent a space out before going full out on purchasing a space.

An office space is also extremely crucial because it is best to have all your workers in one spot. This obviously excludes any freelancers or any workers that work from home. But the office space is important because it gives rise to being able to bond with your workers and partners. Here at ThunderQuote, you can send in a quote to look for the best office spaces to rent and we will get back to you within 5 working days. Click this link to submit your request now.

Cool Office Interior Designs
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#2 Renovation of The Office Space

Obviously you might only be allowed to renovate an office space if you own it but you can always ask the landlord if they would allow you to make changes to the space. Most of the building in Singapore that haven’t been converted into skyscrapers aren’t that modern looking and they are quite old. So if you own one of these offices, it might be time for you to start changing a few things up.

Singapore is a country that is moving extremely fast. If you don’t catch up. You will be severely left behind. If your office feels like it’s from the 1950s, you need to change things up. Right now the current trend is open offices. This means most of the offices don’t have walls separating all the rooms. Maybe you could do something like this to make the office look much more modern and unique.

There are so many ideas out there on how to renovate your office to make it look spectacular and modern again. It will take a lot of money but having a reinforced office will create a better working environment. It is an investment that you make now so that your future is much better. This link will take you to finding the best vendor to start the renovations on your office!

#3 Enterprise Systems

After setting the body of your office up, which is the physical space in which you will be working out of, you would then need a system that keeps it all together. This is where an enterprise system comes into play.

What are enterprise systems?

They are large scale application software packages that works to support your business processes. It helps with the flow of information, reporting and also data analytics in larger corporations.

Enterprise systems will offer your business a more integrated organisational system which is great so that everyone is always on the same page. This way you can always manage everyone easily. There is also improved data entry and also a good flow of information.

All these benefits add up and the end result is an increase in proficiency which is amazing because this will only help your business grow. Click here to start finding for the best enterprise system for your company.



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#4 Digital Marketing

Since everyone is online now, it is important to expand your horizons and step into the world of digital marketing. We have written a few articles on the benefits of digital marketing and why we think everyone should take it seriously. However, it takes a strong team to get a proper digital marketing team to get started.

A proper team needs to consist of a very strong marketing manager, a strong social media manager and an impeccable content writer. From here you expand on the rest. But the basic three people must be there They are the ones who will make or break your digital marketing team.

Hiring a digital marketing agency or company is a tedious process, so you can use sourcing platforms to find vendors to run your digital marketing campaigns.

#5 Web Development

Again, this ties in close with digital marketing but you need completely different people to head the web development team because they need to be well-versed in programming languages. They would need to have experience in web design and graphic design. As well as user interface and user experience talents as well. It is a tedious job but people who are used to it will create the best looking website for your company.

Everything is online now so the first impression customers get from you is the website. This is why it is extremely important to have a good website to be the first impression for your company. A well-designed website allows consumers to trust you and now they will be able to trust you and your work because of the amount of work you put in to shape your brand. Click here to get started on creating that amazing website of yours!

This is just a rough idea on what common services you would need to start up your business. You need a great space, an amazing systems that runs the show and impeccable marketing so that the world will one day know of your company. That is your triple threat. Here at ThunderQuote we strive to be the best at linking businesses to vendors to ensure that the business grows the way you want it to because everyone needs help sooner or later.


ThunderQuote is the most comprehensive business services portal in Singapore, Australia and ASEAN , where hundreds of thousands of dollars of procurement contracts are sourced every month by major companies like Singapore Press Holdings, National Trade Union Congress and more.

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